The Scrabble Page


Word Nerds Unite!

This page is filled with all things Scrabble...from Scrabble Music and Naked Scrabble to Scrabble Weddings and Scrabble Board Tombstones.



Every Nerd's Fantasy: 

9' Tall, Naked Woman Made of Scrabble Tiles

Her name is Myslexic. She's named after the word, Lexiko, which is the original name of Scrabble when it was invented back in the Depression.

She's on display at the Cass Sculpture Foundation in Goodwood, West Sussex, England. She's the creation of incredibly cool sculptor David Mach.

Click the image to see the sculpture with an interactive 360 degree rotation with zoom on the artist's website.

Scrabylon is an award-winning, critically-acclaimed documentary on the cutthroat world of tournament SCRABBLE®.

Featuring the most fierce anagrammers, rack balancers, and bingo experts in competitive SCRABBLE®, Scrabylon delves deep into this sometimes wacky, sometimes odd, always compelling subculture. Shot primarily during the World SCRABBLE® Championships in Las Vegas, Scrabylon features players from around the globe and gives an up-close look at why people get so obsessed with that seemingly benign game played at countless kitchen tables. 


The novel, Whore of Scrabylon, and this documentary, Scrabylon, have NOTHING to do with one another, whatesoever.

In fact, when I came up with the idea for the name of the story, I had no idea that this film even existed.  Great minds think alike, huh?

The Scrabble Song - SO FUNNY!

CLICK the candlelit board below to listen

I Love Scrabble by Abby2R

Everybody has an addiction
Everybody has an infatuation
But my quirky obsession, it runs real deep
It keeps me from getting much sleep oh I
I'm addicted to scrabble

I came across scrabble years ago
An old wizard said, "let me teach you what I know"
And I said, "Okay, I'll be your pupil"
He taught me how to spell; he made me recite
He taught me words nobody knows like aiguilles and qi
And now, I'm addicted to scrabble

Oh, A B C D E F G
I'll bingo your ass before you can use your 'Z'
And then, I'll triple-word-score your Mama!
Think before you challenge me
'Cause I'm the Doogie Howser of Scrabble prodigies
'Oh, I love scrabble

My top score is 743
And my best bingo is "P-O-R-T-I-N-G"
And I've memorized every two-letter word in Sowpods
Better watch out cause I'll throw you a phony
Before you can spell abalone
Oh, I love scrabble


You may say I'm a nerd
And to that I retort, "yes I am. So what?"
I may be a nerd but at least I'm not a
Stupid, small vocabulary, gun-slinging nut!


Scrabble: A Cultural Phenomenon

Scrabble Can Be SCARY!

Cheaters Never Win

....or do they?


A "Cheaters" Scrabble Tournament in New York held in January 2008 showed the 20-&-30-somethings' enthusiasm for the original version of the game, despite Scrabble trademark holders Hasbro and Mattel asking Facebook to shut down Scrabulous, its online version of the word game.

The Brooklyn nonprofit literary-education center 826NYC, which helps students between the ages of six and 18 with creative and expository writing skills, organized its first Scrabble for Cheaters tournament, a gambit that raised $50,000 for the three-year-old organization.

In the weeks prior to the tournament, teams raised money online to pay for the ability to cheat: rejecting opposing teams' words, buying vowels or the letters q, x, or z, or the most expensive cheat of all —for $500, the ability to make up a word. The latter resulted in gibberish words that spanned the width of the game board.

World Scrabble Championship Poster


Francophone Scrabble Championship Ads

(Scrabble in French)

Cool Scrabble Wedding Cake

M-A-T-R-I-M-O-N-Y is worth 16 points.

D-I-V-O-R-C-E on only worth 13

Teach me what you've learned from playing Scrabble!


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